Generate a new Hoplon project. Run the following command on a terminal:
boot -d boot/new new -t hoplon -n hoplon-syntax
Change your directory to the project:
cd hoplon-syntax
And run:
boot dev
After the code is compiled open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000. You should see "Hello Hoplon!" in blue.
To write HTML in Hoplon we use following the syntax:
(element:attribute1"value" ... :attributeN"value"
element contents)
Elements are the first thing in a form. A form is an expression between parentheses. Attribute names are represented by keywords
, which starts with a colon :
This way of writing HTML is called Hlisp. It a syntax to write HTML in a LISP way.
For comparison, the HTML syntax would be:
element contents
Another valid syntax in Hoplon is using a map to group attributes:
(element{:attribute1"value" ... :attributeN"value"}
element contents)
A map (hash map) is represented by key value pair inside curly braces {}
On src/index.cljs.hl
file inside the project directory, you should see the code below:
(page"index.html")(html(head(link:href"app.css":rel"stylesheet":type"text/css"))(body(h1"Hello, Hoplon!")))
If you are familiar with HTML this file should look a bit off but you will recognize some of the words.
The equivalent HTML is the code below:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><linkhref="app.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"></head><body><h1>Hello, Html!</h1></body></html>
Notice that using Hoplon there are no closing tags e.g. </h1>
. The parentheses delimit what is would be between the opening and closing tags.
Looking at a smaller sample:
<body><h1>Hello, Html!</h1></body>
Is equivalent to:
(body(h1"Hello, Hoplon!"))
Here we have a body
element containing a h1
element containing the text "Hello, Hoplon!"
You saw some Hoplon attributes before:
Here we have a link
element with the following attributes:
with value "app.css"
with value "stylesheet"
with value "text/css"
Same thing using HTML:
Let's see a table with translations from HTML to Hoplon ones. Almost every HTML element translates directly to Hoplon with opening and closing tags becoming parentheses. This is just for reference, you don't need to remember everything that is in the table. There are just a few tags that are used all the time.
HTML tag | Hoplon element |
<html></html> | (html) |
<body></body> | (body) |
<head></head> | (head) |
<a></a> | (a) |
<abbr></abbr> | (abbr) |
<address></address> | (address) |
<area> | (area) |
<article></article> | (article) |
<aside></aside> | (aside) |
<audio></audio> | (audio) |
<b></b> | (b) |
<base> | (base) |
<bdi></bdi> | (bdi) |
<bdo></bdo> | (bdo) |
<blockquote></blockquote> | (blockquote) |
<br> | (br) |
<button></button> | (button) |
<canvas></canvas> | (canvas) |
<caption></caption> | (caption) |
<cite></cite> | (cite) |
<code></code> | (code) |
<col> | (col) |
<colgroup></colgroup> | (colgroup) |
<data></data> | (data) |
<datalist></datalist> | (datalist) |
<dd></dd> | (dd) |
<del></del> | (del) |
<details></details> | (details) |
<dfn></dfn> | (dfn) |
<dialog></dialog> | (dialog) |
<div></div> | (div) |
<dl></dl> | (dl) |
<dt></dt> | (dt) |
<em></em> | (em) |
<embed> | (embed) |
<fieldset></fieldset> | (fieldset) |
<figcaption></figcaption> | (figcaption) |
<figure></figure> | (figure) |
<footer></footer> | (footer) |
<form></form> | (form) |
<h1></h1> | (h1) |
<h2></h2> | (h2) |
<h3></h3> | (h3) |
<h4></h4> | (h4) |
<h5></h5> | (h5) |
<h6></h6> | (h6) |
<header></header> | (header) |
<hgroup></hgroup> | (hgroup) |
<hr> | (hr) |
<i></i> | (i) |
<iframe></iframe> | (iframe) |
<img> | (img) |
<input> | (input) |
<ins></ins> | (ins) |
<kbd></kbd> | (kbd) |
<keygen> | (keygen) |
<label></label> | (label) |
<legend></legend> | (legend) |
<li></li> | (li) |
<link> | (link) |
<main></main> | (main) |
<map></map> | (html-map) |
<mark></mark> | (mark) |
<menu></menu> | (menu) |
<menuitem></menuitem> | (menuitem) |
<meta> | (html-meta) |
<meter></meter> | (meter) |
<multicol></multicol> | (multicol) |
<nav></nav> | (nav) |
<noframes></noframes> | (noframes) |
<noscript></noscript> | (noscript) |
<object></object> | (html-object) |
<ol></ol> | (ol) |
<optgroup></optgroup> | (optgroup) |
<option></option> | (option) |
<output></output> | (output) |
<p></p> | (p) |
<param> | (param) |
<picture></picture> | (picture) |
<pre></pre> | (pre) |
<progress></progress> | (progress) |
<q></q> | (q) |
<rp></rp> | (rp) |
<rt></rt> | (rt) |
<rtc></rtc> | (rtc) |
<ruby></ruby> | (ruby) |
<s></s> | (s) |
<samp></samp> | (samp) |
<script></script> | (script) |
<section></section> | (section) |
<select></select> | (select) |
<shadow></shadow> | (shadow) |
<small></small> | (small) |
<source> | (source) |
<span></span> | (span) |
<strong></strong> | (strong) |
<style></style> | (style) |
<sub></sub> | (sub) |
<summary></summary> | (summary) |
<sup></sup> | (sup) |
<table></table> | (table) |
<tbody></tbody> | (tbody) |
<td></td> | (td) |
<template></template> | (template) |
<textarea></textarea> | (textarea) |
<tfoot></tfoot> | (tfoot) |
<th></th> | (th) |
<thead></thead> | (thead) |
<time></time> | (html-time) |
<title></title> | (title) |
<tr></tr> | (tr) |
<track> | (track) |
<u></u> | (u) |
<ul></ul> | (ul) |
<var></var> | (html-var) |
<video></video> | (video) |
<wbr> | (wbr) |
<<!-- -->> | ($comment) |
This is a big table and almost every HTML tag is the Hoplon element. Here are only the exceptions to this rule.
HTML tag | Hoplon element |
<map></map> | (html-map) |
<meta> | (html-meta) |
<object></object> | (html-object) |
<time></time> | (html-time) |
<var></var> | (html-var) |
<<!-- -->> | ($comment) |
Exceptions exist because HTML elements may be ClojureScript core functions or to avoid confusion with Javacript.
We will see what happens when we make mistakes, understand errors and warnings on error recovery.